Oromia AGP2, in collaboration with CDSF, delivered M&E tailored cascaded training for zonal and Woreda AGP and regional implementing agencies (IAs) focal persons for two days (Nov 7 – 8, 2017) in Adama Comfort Hotel. Eighty-five participants (three female) participated in the training in two separate sections. Regional AGP 2 M & E specialists as well as regional CDSF staff facilitated and coordinated the event. 

The training mainly focused on the M&E manual and data quality assessment tools. Different training methodologies such as group work, presentations, gallery walk, etc.  were used during the sessions and triggered active participation.                                 

The training explored data collection and validation techniques being implemented at grassroots.  

Participants showed intense interest in using the data quality assessment tools while collecting and compiling AGP2 data.  

Closing the training sessions, Eshetu Demissie, acting regional AGP Coordinator said:” …data quality assessment and reporting are highly important to measure the AGP2 results and due attention must be   given   to it by all AGP2 implementing parties at all level” 

 Eshetu also emphasized on the need to integrate the training into the AGP M & E manual and appreciated the support given by CDSF to systematize the M&E practices of Agricultural Growth Program. He urged participants to further cascade down the training to the woreda level.